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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How cool is this picture? This was sent in to us by an HFC parent that snapped it as their young athletes arrived at the field. I miss these days when the soccer bags were half the size of my whole body, I carried a thermos filled with high quality H2O to every event, and I began to develop my pregame superstitions. I don't know if you have any pregame rituals like I did, but mine were regimented. Roll out of bed, take a shower, stretch, eat a protein filled breakfast which always included eggs of some sort (rabbit trail... how can there be so many ways to prepare an egg?? I'm recently enthralled with over-medium cooked eggs. I think Cracker Barrel controls the population of quality chickens because I could eat there over-medium cooked eggs for every meal, every day), clean off my cleats from practice, fill my thermos, pack my bag, and get in the car. When I got to the field, I had to immediately put on my shingaurd sleeves, followed by the socks. Finally, I threw my boots on, followed by my super cool SweetSpots to hold the laces down. (Rabbit trail... those sweetspots were the biggest thing since sliced bread for a while. Where else can you get functionality with keeping the laces down and tied, efficiency with the point at the end of them to give you a guide to kick the ball, and style with so many colors? On the other hand, they are glorified rubber bands. I think I was the last one to give up on the SweetSpots fad. I say we bring back the fad. Who is with me????)
Ok, so now that none of you are going to back me on the SweetSpots fad, lets move on.

Nothing helped me prepare for a game, however, like words spoken to me from my parents and coaches. And by words, I mean encouraging boosts of confidence such as "I know you will play great!" or "I'm proud of you!"  We have to be committed to providing the ideal environment for all youth to grow and excel through soccer. What is the environment like that you are creating? Is it rigid and pressure filled?

Check out this video that Publix had as a commercial... sums it up pretty well!!

How Children Acquire Skill
by Dr. Ron Quinn

Empowered athletes move through four stages:

• Becoming self-aware
• Connecting and learning
• Taking action
• Contributing to their own learning

One of the most beneficial courses I have taken have been the Youth I and II Modules, and the "E" License course through NCYSA. The training staff gave me the tools I needed to give the game back to the athletes! Sometimes a player gets to the game on Saturday, and the coach or parent puts so much emphasis into winning, that they overlook how to properly prepare a player. We have to get better at understanding where a player is at developmentally, instead of expecting them to perform as we did during our glory days! The secret to good coaching is servant leadership. If you figure out how to lead through serving, you will contribute to not only changing our soccer culture, but our communities across the state beyond the soccer fields! Are you in it for you or for the players?
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."
-Muhammad Ali

Find a way to give the game back to your NC Youth Soccer player and you will empower them to think. A player that can not think for himself is one word... BORED! Give them the opportunity to make their breakfast, or pick out which shirt to wear to practice, or which activity to play in the backyard and at practice (or if we travel back in time, which colored SweetSpots they want to use!) If you slowly integrate some of this, you will begin to allow your athlete to mature not only in soccer, but in life.
Check out our Parents Connection page at the link listed below...

Enjoy the game and the relationships that result...


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